Saturday, October 2, 2010

RWO: Poop In This

Jess writes:

It's been a while since we posted our last RWO, so I decided to opt for a real, basic observation (and because I'm still dreaming about those glorious, porcelin contraptions we experienced once again on our U.S. vacation... ahhh...)

So, as it turns out, pit latrines really are more dependable than flush toilets. They may be gross, smelly and home to stupendously large cockroaches (and yes, the kind that can fly – eek!), but they do always work. We have friends that are living with flush toilets – a true luxury for PCVs – and they are often dismayed to discover that after a long awaited trip to the loo, their luxurious flush toilet is currently not flushing. You see, when the water gets shut off in an area (and this happens frequently in many of our villages), toilets no longer have the capability to flush… I had never really thought about this in the states. So while we have to squat daily in our scary, concrete little hole, at least we can walk away knowing that our business is “out of sight, out of mind”.

1 comment:

  1. Hello from Martha at Illinois State. It is Homecoming Week and thinking of you.
