Whereas I've written for Adam and myself, together, in previous blogs, I feel the need to state first that this post is much more a "Jess" than a "Jess & Adam" post. In many ways, this is my own soapbox - a more personal, very passionate preoccupation of mine. And while Adam understands it fully (which I absolutely LOVE him for!), it is definitely an obsession of my own creation, rather than of "us".
The second edition of the 2009 "Hog" magazine (for those of us that don't "ride" - it's a magazine published by and for Harley Davidson Enthusiasts) grabbed my attention recently. Adam told me about an article chronicling the life of an Australian couple that have riden to/through 192 U.N. countries!! He thought I would like the article - he was right! - and that, in his words "Everyone should read this article" - right again. I feel similarly about a publication by the Peace Corps called "On the Homefront" (you can find it via the links in the "FAQ" post below).
It is with these two publications that I will try to guide my thoughts away from the blackhole that is rambling... here we go...
From Hog Magazine, Peter writes: "Many world travelers that we have encountered have had difficulty settling back into the 'real' world or 'normal' life... The personal challenges, hardship, achievements, and relationships they have endured by traveling all leave the more traditional lifestyle a little empty... It can become all but impossible to go back to your previous life... But that is not necessarily a bad thing."
In "On the Homefront", a returned Peace Corps volunteer writes, "Upon your return... you have so much to explain, but alas, your friends' and familys' capacity to absorb is not nearly matched by your need to recapitulate; they’re filled up before you’re even half empty. The typical returned Volunteer is a catharsis waiting (not so patiently) to happen."
Travelling, visiting, "going places"... these are all funny things for many people... very different things to different people. And unfortunately, my busy mind has spent far too much time thinking about these things. And when people ask me "Why would you want to go to ____(fill in the blank)____?" or, my favorite question, "Why do you want to leave the U.S. so badly?" I often feel the urge to divulge my entire collection of thoughts on the subject. And yet, as described above, the mere mention of something interesting/different/better, elsewhere in the world, often fosters boredom and, in worse cases, even some disdain from others. I have often encountered such contemptful looks when attempting to describe an experience abroad. Thus, as I've learned the hard way, there is a very fine line between sounding "excited" about something foreign and sounding "elitist" about something foreign. And I admit that I have had a lot of difficulty in walking this line in a proper way. So often I, as other travelers have sympathized in the past, find myself simply not talking about travels, for fear of deciding vengefully that he or she is one of those that "just don't get it." It's challenging and often problem-causing with people of whom I am truly fond.
But perhaps some explication on the matter - that is, my wondering thoughts on the matter - may shed some light on the very precarious nature of a person who feels the need to... well... go, to see, to do.
As I have figured it, there are 2 types of people who "Go": Those that "visit places" and those that "travel" - now before anyone gets too upset at this line I've drawn in the sand - let me explain:
1. Those that "visit places": This is often the best kind of "Going". It is exact, it is measured, it is often well-planned. And because of all of this, it is often the most releaxing, the most enjoyable, the most rewarding in terms of seeing a new place and experiencing its sights, its sounds, its smells and tastes. I think this type of "Going" is wholly necessary for people - we need to "visit places" to see friends and family, to experience new worlds, to expand our horizons.
2. Those that "travel": This is a very different type of "Going". Traveling may have a start and end time, perhaps even a "to" and "from" ticket, but it is often not entirely planned and it is entirely un-exact. For this reason, travelling is difficult, it can be stressful, it is tiresome and often frustrating. But it is also the most rewarding way in which to truly experience a place. Many authors have written this sentiment far better than I ever could, but simply put, to get off a train and not know where you will be staying that night and to wake up the next morning in an entirely foreign place with no set plans is one of the most incredible feelings in all of the world. Traveling is stimulating, it is enlivening... and yet, when it is all said and done, you often need a "vacation" from your "travels" and, ironically, many travelers will talk about "visiting someplace" to recup.
Now, if you'll indulge me, I'd like to dig a little deeper into the "travel" aspect. Of those persons who "travel", there are also 2 types of people: Those that don't feel the "tug" and those that do feel the "tug" - you see:
1. Those that don't feel the "tug": What the heck is the tug? Right? The tug is that yearn, that burn, that need, to travel. For some, travelling can be a one-time thing, that "trip you took" in your youth that "life-altering experience" abroad. But, as Peter (again, from Hog Magazine), writes, "...these [persons] are very, very few in number."
2. Those that do feel the "tug": This is the majority. As Peter puts it, "For most, travel becomes a part of their life. Work is only a way to pay for it and everything else is often 'in-between trips'." And while I have travelled only a few places in my short adult life, I have never felt a "tug" quite like that to travel. I often find myself staring out the window at work wondering "when do I get to... go? where will I go?" I've actually described the feeling before as a "Restless Leg Syndrome" for your whole body - an itching to get up and... go! Luckily, Adam understand this about me and is excited to... go! too. Thank god.
Simply put, you either feel the "tug" or you don't - and either is fine. But the hardest thing about it all is that those who don't and those who do can find it hard to understand eachother. The first will think the other is frivolous, fool-hearty and the latter will think the other is close-minded or "just doesn't get it". From either side, this can be a risky relationship - yet again, the reason that the line between these two mindsets is so difficult to walk.
Finally, there is yet one more division that we must make. Of those who "travel" and who do feel the "tug", there is yet 2 more types of people: Those who "can't" and those who "can". This is by far the most effecting division:
1. Those who "can't": Even when the "tug" occurs, it is often not feasible to hop on a plane with your backpack and travel the world. We have jobs, we have kids, we have mortgages. And when life is full of other, very important priorities, travel quickly falls away from the top of the list. But...
2. Those who "can": There are those who can travel. Those without long-term jobs, young children, mortgages and other responsibilities. These are the people that can, and should (if they feel that "tug"), hop on a plane and travel the world. One of the most common things I've heard since Adam and I applied to the Peace Corps is "Well do it now, because after you have kids and a house you won't be able to." Typically my response to this is "I know - so I appreciate your support!" To put it bluntly, Adam and I have both said that we don't want to look back on this chapter of our lives - before the kids and the house and the jobs - and wonder "What if we had gone?" This is the time to do it, so we're doing it...
So in conclusion, my goal here was complex - I wanted to share my personal insights on "Going" and those who "Go", but also to show the true balance between all types of people. And while I can turn myself inside out and attempt to describe my own yearning to travel, I am not fully capable of expressing all sides adequately - so I only hope I did not lead any "Go-er" to feel out of the picture. Simply put, the world needs all these types of people, for if all persons were "travelers" of the extremist sense, nothing in this world would ever get done or stay constant. We need all those that grow the food, do the 9 to 5 on Wall Street, stay home to raise the kids - our civilizations would be lost without them. And on the other hand, we need the travellers - we need those that go out to see the world and come back with a new take on life, we need those that are moved by what they experience to do, to create, to make change. We need them all.
And while I may never be good at walking that fine line between myself and those of a different mindset, I will continue to try. It's part of who I am, because I want to share with those that I care so deeply about...
I am exploding at the seams to share with you the few wonders I've seen... because I love you and because I want you to feel that same sense of awe and enlightenment. I want you to know what this feeling of "being filled up by life" is like when you see mountains rising out of the ocean, when you see trees growing out of temples, when you see children's dirty feet. I want you to understand what it feels like to be so small in such a vast and incredible place. I want you to know this kind of love of the world as I feel it. And I'm sorry if I don't get it quite right, but I will still try to share, because I love you, I do.
If nothing else, I hope everyone can understand that, or accept that, about me.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The Road We've Traveled
In the beginning, Adam and I had travelled truly different roads through most our lives. The story would have gone like this: "he's a Midwest kid, she's an East Coast gal; he likes Radiohead, she likes Dave Mathews Band; he dreams of being a Sommelier, she dreams of being a UNICEF Director; he wants a flat in London, she wants an apartment in Paris; his travel list starts with Ireland, hers starts with Indonesia... and there might never have been a Once Upon a Time..."
And yet, somehow, in the Summer of 2005, our paths crossed and, yup, we kinda fell in love. Since then, we've been travelling a very busy, but wonderful and truly unique road together. We'd like to show you where we've been, so here goes...
This road is headed straight towards our first, real big adventure together, as we embark on a 27 month journey to... hmmm... somewhere (make sure to vote on the sidebar!!). Where we'll be headed, the roads may not be paved, like the ones that got us here, but we're excited to travel that road together. Now that you've seen where we're coming from, we hope you'll stick around to see where we're headed.
And yet, somehow, in the Summer of 2005, our paths crossed and, yup, we kinda fell in love. Since then, we've been travelling a very busy, but wonderful and truly unique road together. We'd like to show you where we've been, so here goes...
This road is headed straight towards our first, real big adventure together, as we embark on a 27 month journey to... hmmm... somewhere (make sure to vote on the sidebar!!). Where we'll be headed, the roads may not be paved, like the ones that got us here, but we're excited to travel that road together. Now that you've seen where we're coming from, we hope you'll stick around to see where we're headed.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
FAQs: Jess & Adam in the Peace Corps
Ever since we started this Peace Corps process, we get a lot of questions from friends and family. And ever since we got our regional placement, we've gotten even more of these really good questions. So here's our version of a "Frequently Asked Questions" post... "Everything you did (or didn't) want to know about Jess & Adam in the Peace Corps"! Enjoy!
Q: When are you going?
A: January, 2010. As for the exact date, we won't know that until 4-6 weeks prior to departure. Keep checking back here for updates, but we probably won't know for sure until November-December. Trust us, we're anxious too!!
Q: Where are you going?
A: "Eastern" or "Southern" Africa. As for the exact county, well, read above. But check out our poll on the right - those are the countries that are "open" in the Peace Corps in those regions. Let us know where you'd like to see us serve!! And of course... it could always change last minute!!
Q: How long will you be there?
A: 27 months - that is 3 months of in-country training (usually in the capitol city in your country assignment) and 24 months of on-site service (in your designated village, town, or city). So if we leave sometime in January, 2010, you can expect to see us back on this side of the pond sometime in April, 2012. Yup... it's a bit of time!
Q: What on earth are you going to be doing for 27 months?
A: Adam has been assigned to Youth Development (part of the Peace Corps' "Community Development" series) and I have been assigned to NGO Development (part of the Peace Corps' "Political Development" series). We have also been told that our region will most likely have a special focus on HIV/AIDS education, outreach, treatment, counseling, prevention, etc. Thus, I may be working with larger institutions that focus on these areas and Adam may be working more one-on-one with children or families affected by these areas. But anything goes... so we won't know what our actual work will be until we get our designated village, town, or city.
Q: Do you get to go together?
A: Yes! Thank goodness! But it is possible that we will be separated during the first 3 months of in-country training. We will be in different training groups (Adam for Youth Development, Me for NGO Development) and may only be in the same classes for language/culture training.
Q: Is it safe?
A: That's a biggie.... I don't think we'll tackle that one quite yet. See the links we attached below for more specifics on this one...
Q: Do you get paid while you're over there?
A: The short answer is: Yes. The Peace Corps is responsible for the following:
A: Oh, where do we begin?? How about these....:
Q: When are you going?
A: January, 2010. As for the exact date, we won't know that until 4-6 weeks prior to departure. Keep checking back here for updates, but we probably won't know for sure until November-December. Trust us, we're anxious too!!
Q: Where are you going?
A: "Eastern" or "Southern" Africa. As for the exact county, well, read above. But check out our poll on the right - those are the countries that are "open" in the Peace Corps in those regions. Let us know where you'd like to see us serve!! And of course... it could always change last minute!!
Q: How long will you be there?
A: 27 months - that is 3 months of in-country training (usually in the capitol city in your country assignment) and 24 months of on-site service (in your designated village, town, or city). So if we leave sometime in January, 2010, you can expect to see us back on this side of the pond sometime in April, 2012. Yup... it's a bit of time!
Q: What on earth are you going to be doing for 27 months?
A: Adam has been assigned to Youth Development (part of the Peace Corps' "Community Development" series) and I have been assigned to NGO Development (part of the Peace Corps' "Political Development" series). We have also been told that our region will most likely have a special focus on HIV/AIDS education, outreach, treatment, counseling, prevention, etc. Thus, I may be working with larger institutions that focus on these areas and Adam may be working more one-on-one with children or families affected by these areas. But anything goes... so we won't know what our actual work will be until we get our designated village, town, or city.
Q: Do you get to go together?
A: Yes! Thank goodness! But it is possible that we will be separated during the first 3 months of in-country training. We will be in different training groups (Adam for Youth Development, Me for NGO Development) and may only be in the same classes for language/culture training.
Q: Is it safe?
A: That's a biggie.... I don't think we'll tackle that one quite yet. See the links we attached below for more specifics on this one...
Q: Do you get paid while you're over there?
A: The short answer is: Yes. The Peace Corps is responsible for the following:
- The Peace Corps pays all volunteers a sufficient living stipend (based on local standards) to cover housing, clothing, food and basic transportation costs.
- Upon return, Peace Corps provides all volunteers with a "Readjustment Allowance", which totals just over $6,000 per person... so we will have something to get back on our feet!
A: Oh, where do we begin?? How about these....:
- The Peace Corps covers ALL medical & dental needs while in service - so no need for insurance for 2 whole years!! That'll be awesome...!
- Upon return, the Peace Corps also offers really good medical & dental coverage for the first 18 months that you are back and doing all your follow-up stuff domestically.
- All volunteers accumulate 2 days per month of vacation time while in service (totaling 48 days) to travel around or, of course, come home to visit!
- All RPCVs (that's "Returned Peace Corps Volunteers") get "Non Competitive" status for one year after service at any federal job... which means if we meet at least basic eligibility for the position, we will get the job over a non-RPCV candidate. If we get the job, we also start out getting paid more at these jobs than non-RPCV employees and can count our Peace Corps service towards our retirement credits.
- Oh, and did we mention we'll get the experience of being in the PEACE CORPS! Yeah, that's the one that really excites us!
Q: What about all the other nitty-gritty questions?
A: Take a look at the sites we've included below for some really great info! Also, check out the blogs that we're following (listed at right) to read more about Kara, Hotard & Sean who are currently serving as Peace Corps volunteers in Togo, Kazakhstan & Mauritania respectively!!!
- www.peacecorps.gov - everything you could ever want to know
- http://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=resources.faf - a selection of much more in-depth FAQs for friends and family of soon-to-be Peace Corps volunteers
- http://www.peacecorps.gov/multimedia/pdf/faf/homefront.pdf- "On the Homefront" is a Peace Corps publication that describes what a friend or family member of a Peace Corps volunteer should expect before, during & after service - this one is great!
- http://www.peacecorpswiki.org/Peace_Corps_Wiki- a "wiki" about the Peace Corps, PCVs & RPCVs, and Peace Corps' countries of service
- http://www.peacecorpsjournals.com/- journals, posts, publications and blogs of current and/or past Peace Corps volunteers
- https://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=resources.donors - "Peace Corps Partnership Program" uses individual donations to support Peace Corps volunteers' projects in-country - which means you can help us once we're over there!
Hope this helps to answer some of those burning questions! We'll keep you posted (ha! get it? posted!!) Much love!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Let's start at the beginning...
We couldn't stand eachother when we first met... you've heard the story. But that was only because we expected the other one to be like everyone else... and we couldn't quite figure it out when the other person wasn't quite the norm... but we liked it! So it was no surprise that Adam and I weren't the get-married-go-on-the-honeymoon-buy-a-house-get-a-job-and-start-a-family kind of couple. We knew we would do things a little bit differently...
Our first application to the Peace Corps was submitted in December, 2006. That seems about five lifetimes ago now... since then we've done a lot, accomplished a lot. We got engaged, moved three times, brainstormed pet and baby names, hosted parties, went to parties, held down 8 jobs all together, planned a wedding, got married, went to lots of other people's weddings, went broke, earned some money, attended classes...classes... and more classes, and we are arriving at the completion of our respective degrees. But throughout it all, in the back of our minds, there was the Peace Corps. The applications, the skills addendums, the medical paperwork, the background checks, the crushing deferment...
And after 2.5 years of potentially obnoxious perseverance, we received our regional placement. We got the call from Liz - our Chicago recruiter - in April: "They have a spot for you..." she said, "somewhere in eastern or southern Africa." That made for nearly 16 possible country assignments, but we didn't care. We knew it was Africa... that's what we had spent the last 2.5 years dreaming about... Africa.
So all we know now is that Adam will be doing "Youth Development" and I will be working towards "NGO Development" (that's Nongovernmental Organizations... for my non-poli-sci people.) And Africa... that's it.
But trust us, that's okay for now.
This blog will chronicle the months leading up to our country assignment - the myriad appointments, mountains of paperwork and constant (constant!) anxiety about finding out exactly when, exactly where, exactly how - as well, of course, as our adventures in the Peace Corps during service. We invite you to follow along the journey with us, as it begins here and, with any luck, continues for the rest of our lives...
Let life begin...
Our first application to the Peace Corps was submitted in December, 2006. That seems about five lifetimes ago now... since then we've done a lot, accomplished a lot. We got engaged, moved three times, brainstormed pet and baby names, hosted parties, went to parties, held down 8 jobs all together, planned a wedding, got married, went to lots of other people's weddings, went broke, earned some money, attended classes...classes... and more classes, and we are arriving at the completion of our respective degrees. But throughout it all, in the back of our minds, there was the Peace Corps. The applications, the skills addendums, the medical paperwork, the background checks, the crushing deferment...
And after 2.5 years of potentially obnoxious perseverance, we received our regional placement. We got the call from Liz - our Chicago recruiter - in April: "They have a spot for you..." she said, "somewhere in eastern or southern Africa." That made for nearly 16 possible country assignments, but we didn't care. We knew it was Africa... that's what we had spent the last 2.5 years dreaming about... Africa.
So all we know now is that Adam will be doing "Youth Development" and I will be working towards "NGO Development" (that's Nongovernmental Organizations... for my non-poli-sci people.) And Africa... that's it.
But trust us, that's okay for now.
This blog will chronicle the months leading up to our country assignment - the myriad appointments, mountains of paperwork and constant (constant!) anxiety about finding out exactly when, exactly where, exactly how - as well, of course, as our adventures in the Peace Corps during service. We invite you to follow along the journey with us, as it begins here and, with any luck, continues for the rest of our lives...
Let life begin...
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